My Pregnancy Ticker

pregnancy week by week

Thursday 28 February 2013

Welcome to the world, Baby Keanan!!!!

Wow... It's been a long time since mummy updated this blog.. Yes, if you see the date today, you know you have come to this world already. Welcome to the world baby!!! I shall skip week 39 and week 40's scans and CTGs done. Yes, you were an overdue baby and I completed all scans up to the 40th week!! Overdue by 2 days, you came out on 17th Feb 2013! FINALLY!!! Weighing at a good weight of 3240g, and measuring at 52cm. I'm glad the good food had fed you well, and everyone commented that you are a tall boy!! Can you really hear mummy when you are in the tummy? You came out the night when I told you, "Baby, mummy's ready, you can come out already". Amazing.... oh ya, you refused to come out when I didn't get to eat the Potong Red Bean ice cream, only wanted to come out after being happily fed with that huh?

Short summary of my birth story. It all started on 16th Feb from evening time. I remember daddy and mummy were still at the Expo looking at Home Fair. (Yes, 40w 1 day and your mama still running around). I thought I felt contractions but again, didn't know if they were real or fake. Even though they seem a little bit more painful than the usual ones, but still bearable. Still went to eat ice-cream and pizza. I had a very good appetite that night! Guessed u wanted to eat all these junks before you come out..

17th Feb, 12am - Bathed and saw blood when I wiped my bottom. Show! Called gynae and he said relax and wait at home.
1am - Contractions came! Painful kinds, really different from the usual Braxton Hicks. And just like what Doctor said, you will know when it's the real thing.
Started to time my contractions and the frequency got closer and not to mention, they got more and more painful too. *Download contractions timer app from app store*
3.10am - Admitted to Mount Alvernia. Dilation was only 2.5-3cm but I was already feeling VERY painful. Ok, i admit my threshold for pain is really low. Nurse asked if I want epidural and I said yes. Thought better not to scare myself for the 1st delivery as I would want to have another one after you. After epidural was administered, no pain can be felt, but the legs all went numb. Relax and just wait!
6am - 6cm dilated. Considered fast i guess.
7am - 8cm dilated. Fast... soon soon!!
8am - Gynae came!! OMG!! He checked for my dilation and went "you ready?" I freaked out, and said "NOOO!" Lol.. I was seriously terrified.. Oh, did i mention I was typically shivering throughout? Partly because of the side effect from epidural, and I think my fear contributed to the shivering too.
After gynae prepared everything and having 2 nurses by my side asking me to push every time they see the contractions come, mummy pushed you out really soon!!! (Time not to be mentioned as it's sensitive). You looked really alert when you came out. Puzzled by where you are, you just looked around with your eyes wide open... *This is a photo of you when you just arrived...

WELCOME TO THE WORLD, MY BABY!!! Daddy and Mummy will love and care for you with all our heart and provide the best for you wherever we can....

*Am using laptop and not able to upload photos.. Will be uploading them when I got the chance to upload the photos!

Kiss kiss love love,
Mummy Jo

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Jo! My name is Heather and I was hoping you could answer a quick question I have about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at) I would greatly appreciate it!
