My Pregnancy Ticker

pregnancy week by week

Sunday 6 January 2013

Your new cupboard!! Nicely packed now!

Keanan, remember I said I will be back to post pictures of daddy installing the cupboard for  you? Here you go!!

From carrying from the store to the car...

Your daddy very strong right?? It weighs a whopping 47kg!! He didn't want Ikea to deliver cos it cost $80 to deliver that box of wardrobe. 

And here's daddy installing the cupboard!! I couldn't take alot of pictures cos it wasn't really good for a pregnant woman to be around when there's screwing or drilling kinda work to be done. (pantang reasons). So here's one.

帅 hor? Hehe... And there u can see your jie jie's butt!! Always disturb people when people's busy... 

And the end product?? 

LOL.. Why wearing different attire? Obviously the photo was taken on another day cos daddy didn't have enough time to finish installing in one day. And this was taken after mummy finish packing it too... 

With Tina's help of cos... 

It wasn't easy trying to categorize your clothes and packing them nicely ok.... 
With alot of careful planning....

And Ta Dah!!! It's done!!! Thanks to Tina loads!! 

Show u what each different tier comprises of... 
Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

And finally, this is how your shower room looks like!! 

With your shower stand at the side.. 

Yes i know... There's alot of diapers!! In fact, i find it abit too much now that it's taking up so much space. What to do? They were so cheap when I got them... Just keep telling myself now baby will be using them up really fast then I can use the storage boxes underneath after that.. 

Anyway, I'm really happy that it's finally done up and all the things are finally stashed at the correct places!! I think this is what they called as nesting instinct settling in.. Must keep everything properly and nicely organised, for baby's arrival!! 

Next up will be baby's cot.. We are going to pick it up later from Dua gu's home ok? Then will be pictures of daddy installing it again.. 

Hope you like your wardrobe baby,
Mummy Jo & Papa Derick

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